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Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Want to learn french now

Learn French for free Now for beginners online

Hello - bonjour How are you -comment allez- vous not very well - pas tres bien
bien - well or for people you know ca va.
Bye - salut or hi good bye-au revoir see you soon- a bientot bonne chance - good luck
see you in a little while - a tout de suite see you later - a tout a l`heure

for much more learn french for beginners visit my website

Want to learn French Now for beginners online

I have studied French for some time now. I love France. I love the beautiful countryside, the sunflowers especially. I love the French way of life, the culture. the towns and cities. French cuisine of course.
Take a look at the following;

Lessons covering basic French vocabulary for Beginners. FREE fun for kids with French for kids , suitable for pre-school children.

Read Reviews on Learning French software. Links to online dictionary and other useful links and information.
Take a look, you`ve nothing to lose. Want to learn french for free for beginners

Basic vocabulary for beginners - in my want to learn French Now FREE program I will cover basic french vocabulary, and french greeting, shopping, eating out to name a few.I will expand on the French vocabulary and phrases and will be updating regularly to include more content and French verbs.
French for Kids - I will be starting with the Alphabet, French greetings, basic french vocabulary, phrases and numbers and will be expanding and updating both regularly. The adults may also find the French for Kids section useful!!